Summary of Campus Fees

Campus Fee Summary

Category II Mandatory Fees

Fall 2022, Spring 2023 Fee Amount

Student Body Center Fee (Cesar Chavez Student Center)


Student Body Association fee (Associated Students)


Recreation & Wellness Center


Student Health Services


IRA - General


IRA - Athletics


Health Facilities


Campus Card Service


Gator Pass


Local Fees Subtotal



What Do These Fees Cover?

Campus-based, mandatory fees cover specific, campus-based fixed costs and ongoing expenses of maintaining and operating student programs, services and facilities.

All students pay tuition and campus mandatory fees whether they study full-time, part-time, online or from abroad, even if they do not expect to ever use the programs or facilities supported by the fee. 

Tuition and campus mandatory fees generally cover fixed and ongoing expenses that the University continues to incurs during the pandemic to maintain instruction and operate student programs and facilities, many of which are available to students virtually.

Note that total expenses detailed for each fee are based on FY 2022-23, the most recent year for which final, audited expenses are available.

For more information about fees or to get in touch with your Associated Student Board of Directors please visit: