Faculty and Staff

Faculty and staff can find all bursar related information here.

I want to...


As of December 4, 2020, if you have any receipts for reimbursement, please complete and submit a Business Expense Reimbursement Request via DocuSign.

The reimbursement check will be mailed to your address on file.

If you have already signed up for Employee Reimbursement Direct Deposit, your reimbursement will be directly deposited into your bank account.

Policies and Procedures

Man handling 20 and 50 dollar bills

Cashiering and Cash Handling Guidelines

This page covers certain basic internal control principles that must be adhered to in regards to collecting and accounting for cash and cash equivalents. These basic principles are Accountability, Separation of Duties, Security (Physical and Digital), and Reconciliation of Accounts.

20 dollar bills inside black envelope

Departmental Deposits

This page covers Departmental Deposit FAQs, Department Payment Processing, Collection Records, and Internal Control Rules. All checks and cash received by departments must be delivered to the Bursar’s Office for processing no later than the following work day.

Man handing over 20 dollar bills

Petty Cash

This page covers procedures for Individual Purchases and Purchases from State Appropriated Funds. Individual Purchases require a completed Petty Cash Reimbursement Form. Window Service is available daily from 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. for Petty Cash transactions.

Open file cabinet drawer full of documents

Record Retention Policy

Record retention policy and procedures governing the retention and destruction of records within the Fiscal Affairs Department.

California State University Record Retention Schedules

Numbers 1 to 8 on red background

Requesting Item Type or Code Numbers

This page covers instructions for Campus Departments who want to request Cash Receipt System (CRS) Numbers. Payments cannot be accepted by the Bursar's Office unless a Cash Receipt System (CRS) Number has been created that will permit the transactions to be processed through the cashiering system.

Suitcase full of 100 dollar bills

University Corporation Deposits

This page covers the entire process for University Corporation Deposits. All checks and cash received by the San Francisco State University Corporation must be delivered to the Bursar’s Office for processing no later than the following work day.

PCI Policy

Payment Card Industry (PCI) 

This page covers the entire process for University PCI policy.

Employee Contact Information
Name Title Email Phone Number  
Bonnie Huang Front Operations Analyst bhuang88@sfsu.edu 415-338-1281  
Bricen Shepard Student Account Specialist bshepard@sfsu.edu 415-338-1281  
Bryan Gayaban Student Account Specialist brgayaban@sfsu.edu 415-338-1281  
Cheryle Thao Financial Aid Accountant cheryle@sfsu.edu 415-338-1281  
Jackie Green University Bursar jmuncey@sfsu.edu 415-405-4002  
Jennifer Cai Student Account Specialist jcai@sfsu.edu 415-338-1281  
Julia Cedillos Lead/Student Account Specialist jcedillos@sfsu.edu 415-338-1281  
Miguel Pacheco Refund Specialist mbpacheco@sfsu.edu 415-338-1281  
Samuel Ly Lead Accountant -Cashiering Operations 415-405-3700  
Sophia Manangbao Lead Accountant  -Student Accounts 415-338-3169